Bendmak USA Blog

Selecting the Right Plasma Cutting Table: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by BendmakUSA | Aug 25, 2023 7:00:00 PM

Plasma cutting has revolutionized the metal fabrication industry, offering economical precision, speed, and versatility. When it comes to plasma cutting, one of the most critical factors is choosing the right cutting table as well as the suite of options available for it. A well-suited plasma cutting table enhances productivity, ensures accurate cuts, operates in a clean and healthy environment and extends the lifespan of your equipment. In this guide, we'll explore the key considerations for selecting the ideal plasma cutting table to meet your fabrication needs.

Selecting the Right Travel Size

Travel size refers to the working area of the cutting table. It's essential to choose a size that accommodates the dimensions of the materials you commonly work with. While it might be tempting to opt for a larger table, remember that a larger table consumes more space and requires more power to operate. Conversely, a smaller table might restrict your ability to work on larger projects.

Consider the typical size of the metal sheets you handle and choose a cutting table that offers a bit more space for maneuvering. This ensures that your workpieces fit comfortably, allowing you to make precise cuts without compromising the efficiency of the operation. Assess the available space in your workshop and select a travel size that strikes the right balance between flexibility and practicality.

Selecting The Correct Torch Amperage

Torch amperage plays a crucial role in the quality of your cuts. Different materials and thicknesses require varying levels of amperage for optimal results. A torch with insufficient amperage may lead to incomplete cuts & heavy slag on the cut parts while excessive amperage can result in material damage or warping. Consult the specifications provided by BendmakUSA to determine the recommended torch amperage for different materials and thicknesses. When selecting a cutting table, ensure that it is compatible with the amperage range you intend to work with. This compatibility ensures that you can achieve clean, precise cuts across a variety of materials without compromising on quality.

Selecting the Right Number of Torches

The number of torches your cutting table supports directly affects your productivity and efficiency. Single-torch cutting tables are suitable for smaller workshops or projects with limited demand. However, if your fabrication needs involve high-volume production or involve intricate designs that require multiple cuts simultaneously, a multi-torch cutting table might be more appropriate. Multi-torch tables enable you to work on multiple pieces simultaneously, significantly reducing the time required to complete a batch of parts. This is particularly advantageous for industries that require large quantities of identical components. Consider your production requirements and workflow when deciding between a single-torch and multi-torch cutting table.

Clearing the Air: Sizing the Dust Collector Needed

Plasma cutting generates fumes, smoke, and metal dust that can be hazardous to both the operator's health and the surrounding environment. A proper dust collection system is essential to maintain a safe and clean workspace. When selecting a plasma cutting table, factor in the size and capacity of the dust collector needed to handle the fumes and debris generated during cutting operations.

The size of the dust collector depends on the cutting table's capacity and the volume of material being cut. It's crucial to choose a dust collector that can effectively capture and filter the pollutants produced. Undersized dust collectors can lead to poor air quality, increased maintenance, and potential health risks. Select a dust collector that aligns with the cutting table's specifications and your operational needs. It is also important to assess if your plasma table has ducted "zones" which assist the dust collector in only drafting air from the area around the cutting torch which can greatly improve the efficiency of the dust collector. 

Ready to Choose the Perfect Plasma Cutting Table?

Selecting the right plasma cutting table is a decision that significantly impacts your productivity, the quality of your cuts, and the overall safety of your workspace. Remember to consider the travel size that suits your materials, choose the correct torch amperage for your cutting tasks, determine the number of torches based on your production demands, and size the dust collector appropriately to maintain a healthy work environment.

At BendmakUSA we offer a diverse range of cutting-edge plasma cutting tables designed to meet your specific fabrication requirements. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect solution for your needs. Visit our website to explore our selection and take your metal fabrication capabilities to the next level.